
Generating economic value through knowledge

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In a world driven by innovation and constant technological evolution, knowledge has become an invaluable resource for the success of companies. The Science Park is a key player in this scenario, offering a unique space where companies, universities, research centers and public agencies converge to promote innovation and technology transfer and the generation of economic value, in a joint effort for the development of Uruguay. The Park develops its activities mainly in the sectors of biotechnology, nanotechnology, chemistry, pharmaceutical technologies and related areas. This innovation environment created within the Science Park not only represents a physical space, but also a platform that facilitates interaction and collaboration between the different actors of the scientific and technological ecosystem of the region. One of its main tasks lies in the transfer of knowledge, a process that seeks to connect academic knowledge with the specific needs of the productive sector, generating a tangible impact on the competitiveness and growth of companies.

A range of services to promote business development

The Science Park offers companies a wide range of services designed to boost their growth and strengthen their position in the market. Among the highlights of its offerings is the innovative MAI® (Model for Accelerating Innovation), a methodology designed to streamline the incorporation of new techniques in innovation management.

The MAI involves a series of strategic steps to ensure the success of R&D&I projects. It begins with technological intelligence and surveillance, identifying the differentials of possible products. Then, the development of research projects is prepared and managed, an exhaustive screening of results is carried out and an assessment is made with proofs of concept, market studies, clinical and animal tests. Finally, it focuses on commercialization, to generate greater opportunities for the international valorization of the knowledge generated in the country.

The main objective of MAI is to define strategies, study options for value creation and differentiation at early stages, and provide qualified information for decision making in all phases of research, development and innovation projects. This methodology allows companies to monitor with whom they compete, identify the most important issues in their research areas, and find valuable opportunities.

Success stories that exemplify the impact of the PCTP

The Park's work is transformed into success stories that demonstrate the positive impact that the Park has on the environment. business intelligence has on the Uruguayan business fabric.

One of these most recent cases is the company MetabixThe Surveillance and Intelligence service provided by the Science Park has been a strategic tool in the development and protection of their innovative technologies, keeping them abreast of technological advances in their area of activity. Access to these services has allowed them not only to protect their products, but also to develop new technologies, Metabix remains at the forefront of innovation in animal health, consolidating its position in the sector. Another successful case of the Park's services is that of Cibeles Agro. This renowned Uruguayan company, which relies on the technology watch service of the Science Park, has been able to carry out systematized monitoring on specific topics, obtaining fundamental inputs for the anticipation of trends, being able to take measures accordingly.

A key player in the Uruguayan innovation system

The Park has become a key player in the Uruguayan innovation system, contributing significantly to the country's development. Its work generates economic value for companies, boosting productivity, competitiveness and productive diversification. In addition, the Science Park fosters collaboration between different sectors of society, creating a favorable ecosystem for innovation and sustainable development.

Knowledge as an engine of growth

The Park invites companies to become part of its collaboration network, taking advantage of the services and resources available to enhance their growth and contribute to the country's economic development. Innovation is not an option, but a necessity for companies seeking to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding global market. Knowledge is the key to success in the 21st century. The Science Park is positioned as a strategic ally for companies seeking to convert this knowledge into tangible value, driving economic and productive development in Uruguay. Its model of collaboration between companies, universities, research centers and public agencies highlights the transforming power of knowledge, an invaluable resource for building a better sustainable future for all.